Are you keeping track of your bills, credits, debts, or do you have a monthly budget or maybe a life plan? How familiar are you with these important issues that you should be considering with your financial lives? If not, then let BillsIQ help you, they could offer a big hand to any of us. BillsIQ is your one stop resource for saving money. They provide comprehensive Resource Centers on vast number of financial topics that offer articles, guidance, and additional tools to help you find, learn, and save in all areas of your life. And take note of this, they even provide various debt consolidation sources as well as sources for student loan debt consolidation assistance. Their Resource Centers includes; debt help, Debt consolidation, credit solutions, loans, consolidate bills, insurance tips, mortgage quotes and advices and loans. It's a big help specially for us mommies who's supervising our expenses at home.

As a new mom/wife I am just learning the ways of keeping monthly budget. But still it slips every now and then, it makes me anxious when it's time to pay for debts. I have taken the billsIQ test, yes they let you take a short test. The test or quiz is categorized in four sections; credit, debt, budget, wealth and life plan. After taking the test they'll show you your billIQ score. Mine was 91% A, not that bad huh? *wink* Then they assess your answers, giving you advices concerning on the choices you have made during the quiz. You then would know if what you're doing is right or there's a need of change. It really helps! Engage with BillsIQ and start saving money right this second.

cash in my wallet
I worked so hard to earn it
in seconds it's gone!