a lot of thinngs have happend lately, my minD's been occupied with a lot of things kaya i havent posted anything new here on my blog. iv got a nEw skin, very pink.. <3 & OMG! its already October! time flies so fast esp when uR doin nOthing with ur life! hahahaha And that's totally me! and Xmas is cOming ver soOn! wweeee.. presents! presents! hahaha

anyway. getting serious now. beginning today my life's gonna change. and i mean a BIG BIG chage. im entering a new chapter of my life that will surely change everything. my whole being, mY peRspectives,my plans, my lifestyle!im ready to stand for it whole heartedly. Though I am very very afraid. But I will face this no matter how mUch its gonna let me paY. I have been having second thoughts with this, but I just can't let this go. NO. This is my mine and I know this is meant for me. coZ i knOe my girLS and of course Beb are standing right behind me. haze, chai, tuapoy molit thanx for all the encouraging words. i needed that sO much.. and beB, wer gonna maKe thiS together. evrythnG happenS fOr a reasoN right, that's what they always say. i knOe God wont giV anything like this if its nOt meant for uS, maY God guide us thrU our journeY.. pls be strong for me and expect me to be strong for you toO. This is the time when I'll be needing you the most.

watch out foR nEW announcement!Ü I'll be brave about this by I know by now you already know.