Hello World! Hello Readers! Well if I have one. Ehe! I've been juggling work from here to there for a couple of weeks now. Not just my professional job but also my job as a mother and a wife. Lately things felt like a crazy roller coaster ride. Different emotions bursting at the same time, you could only imagine how it feels like. One minute I'm happy then suddenly I'm sad, one second I'm elated then suddenly would feel like crap. Crazy huh? I think I need a little time off, but how when I have these mountain of responsibilities tailing my back. T____T

Therapy. Yes that's what I need and that's what I'm doing right this very moment. (And I'm just continuously writing now what comes into my mind). Writing my thoughts makes me relaxed, happy and light-weighted. And doodling! I almost forgot that I love drawing too, it's in my list of "loves" way back then. Aside from reading and writing (I sound like a total nerd when I was young! LOL). Though I haven't practiced my drawing skills for so many years now, but when I was younger, I mean when I was on my teens, I think it's something I am good at. I mean yes, I could draw, but I'm not really sure if I still could at present. @.@ I absolutely love art. It's something I feel comfortable at. Thing about it, I think I need to do more stuffs that I love. Have a therapy. I need to loosen up a bit. I've been very uptight with what's happening lately. Though nothing depressing is happening but I'm just very moody and emotinal (should I blame hormones for that??), been putting much attention to little details! So many things to do but got no drive to do it. Ugh. I need a mood booster everyday. What kaya?

Crazy crazy crazy.... But i'm glad I am able to pull it out, express my dilemmas here. I just love you so blog! Thanks for being there.


Sometimes what's causing those unexplainable mood swings is an attack by the enemy. It is best to protect ourselves with regular prayers and reading the word of God. You can protect yourself and your family too by sealing yourselves with the blood of Jesus and claiming His divine promises. Walking in the will of the Lord and accepting Jesus Christ as our Lord and savior give us peace of mind and joy in our heart. Thanks for the post. I will say a prayer for you. God bless you all always.
Bojoy said…
Thanks kuya Mel! yeah ur right, I should keep my prayers strong or better yet even stronger. been feeling down alot lately and it's not a good feeling. not at all. :"(
Ruby said…
whoa i feel the same! heheh...i love drawing too! especially anime and fashion...but that was way back in hi school..i dunno if i can draw now..and yes.. i agree that writing one's thoughts makes one relaxed and light-weighted...been there.. ;)