Hello there bloggers! :) I've been wanting to revive my bloggy since 2013 arrived but it seemed like I always didn't have the time to do it. I even attempted to join a 30 blog challenge which should have started on the beginning of this month, but then again, I failed. Booo! So now here I am, trying to start over. This time, I mean it!! Yes I do. :) I missed this. This kind of moment where I'll just sit here and empty my thoughts (and heart), ignoring the noise around me. I may not blog as often as I do before, but the love for blogging never faded. Never.

So where have I been? I've been everywhere but there. LOL I'm now 6 months pregnant, Praise God I have surpassed the not-so-great months of pregnancy. Mommies, you know what I mean. During my first 4 months, I was so frustrated because I can't seem to do anything but sleep. I wanted to work normally and do a lot of things but then my body just wouldn't cooperate with me. Then my Asthma worsen. :| Worst than I had ever imagined. I felt so sickly that I got very worried with my baby. Wondering how is he coping with my situation. :'( But then again, God is good. Now, I feel great. Asthma attacks? Sometimes, but it's more controlled now.

Last January 20th, I celebrated my 27th birthday. Honestly, that was the first time I felt that I'm getting older, that time indeed is running! :)) I didn't even want to celebrate and tried as I may to forget the date. LOL Maybe it was just hormones working its magic on me! It was a Sunday and celebrated my birthday with our families. It was great! I am very thankful for the gift of life. God has been very good to us and I am very thankful. :)